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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I haven’t worked in noise for many years. Can I still claim?

A. Yes. As long as you have worked in a noisy environment for 5 years after 1963, OR 2 years in the case of NCB workers.

Q. The company I worked for no longer exists. Can I still claim?

A. Yes. The compensation is paid from the insurance company who provided your previous employer with their employer’s liability insurance cover and we can trace which company provided this.

Q. Will I have to pay anything if I lose the case?

A. No. Your claim will be conducted on a No Win No Fee basis, which means you have nothing to lose by making a claim.

Q. What is No Win No Fee?

A. It is an agreement between you and the solicitor which means that if the solicitor doesn’t win the case you will not pay any fees. This means you can make a claim risk free and with peace of mind.

Q. How long does the claim process take?

A. It depends on the complexity of your specific circumstances and the number of employers you have worked for but, in general, NIHL claims take around 12 months to settle.

Q. But I don’t think I’m deaf

A. You don’t have to be ‘stone’ deaf or wear hearing aids to be able to make a claim. The damage done to your hearing through loud noise affects the high frequencies of your hearing, and some people don’t appreciate fully these mild symptoms.

Q. I think my hearing is ok

A. Many of the symptoms go unnoticed and we have helped thousands of people that did not realise they had been affected, instead putting their problems down to old age.

Q. Will I have to pay anything for the test?

A. No.  The Claim is pursued on a no win no fee basis.

Q. Where will I have my hearing test?

A. The hearing test will take place at a location convenient for you. Some people prefer to have this done in the comfort of their own home. We also hold hearing clinic events nationwide and would ensure it is within a 5 mile radius of your home address in order to suit you.

Q. How long is the hearing test?

A. The hearing test takes about 15-20 minutes to conduct.

Q. How long do I have to make a claim?

A. From the day you suspect you may have noise damage to your hearing, you have just 3 years to make a claim., so you are best advised to seek legal help as soon as you have such a suspicion.

Q. I was in the Military, does this make a difference?

A. We are able to claim for people whose only noise exposure is limited to the military as long as you have 5 years’ exposure with the armed forces.. If the military exposure was prior to 1987 then subtract the amount of years you served in the military from the amount of years you worked in alternative noisy workplaces and ensure you are still left with at least 5 years’ exposure at the alternative companies. If you are still unsure as to whether you qualify please contact a member of our team who will be happy to assist further.


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