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About Eldred Law

Government bodies, large public companies and smaller private companies have, for decades, been aware of the dangers of noise exposure in the workplace, but chosen to do nothing or very little about it.  This has been to the detriment of millions of employees.  Eldred Law employs people who are experienced in pursuing cases on behalf of those who have discovered that they have noise damage to their hearing, they are dedicated to seeking justice for such individuals. 

  Head Solicitor & Principal

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No Win No Fee

We operate on a No Win No Fee basis, being one of the UK’s leading industrial disease specialists. 

Specialist expertise in the following areas

Industrial Disease

Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL), also known as Industrial Deafness, is the result of damage to your hearing from excessive noise. It is a common condition suffered by many thousands of people who work in noisy environments.

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) covers broad range of upper limb conditions and soft tissue injuries.  Can result in serious pain, cramp, numbness, tingling, weakness and loss of dexterity in the affected joint or limb.

Dermatitis is one of the most widespread conditions of ill-health in the workplace and can be caused by coming into contact with irritating substances or allergens. The symptoms include red, sore, dry or cracked skin.

Asbestosis is a chronic condition that affects the lungs and it occurs as a result of exposure to asbestos. Occur after asbetos contact and as shortness of breath, a tight chest, coughing or general chest pain.

Vibration White Finger (VWF), is triggered by continuous use of hand-held vibrating machinery. Include tingling or numbness in the fingers, blotching of the colour of skin, and loss of dexterity.

Thousands of people every year suffer with back pain, or back injuries, as a result of their working environment.

Occupational Asthma can be caused by inhaling airborne substances in the workplace such as dust, vapour, gases, fumes, flour and powders.


Check locations sensitive to Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Our Past Experience

Why Clients Choose Us?

We have developed our in-house expertise over a number of years and our legally trained advisors are at the core of everything we do. 

We work hard to understand your needs so we can offer you the best possible assistance.

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Years' Experience
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We are experts in helping you claim the compensation you deserve if your health has been affected by your place of work.

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