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Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5.00pm
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September 2024
Political candidate – whose solicitor is the chairman of an English nationalist party – says it will appeal employment tribunal ruling.
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Despite this week’s publication of the final report of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry, survivors and the bereaved still face an agonising wait before those truly responsible are held to account.
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Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal ordered the lawyer pay £30,000 costs after finding some of the allegations against her proved.
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RBL Law, now RBG Holdings, and former chief executive Nicola Foulston see off employment tribunal case brought by former employee.
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Mr Justice Julian Knowles says geographical area concerned was ‘substantial’ but injunction satisfied the requirements set out by Supreme Court.
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Mark Stephens leading novel High Court challenge to primary legislation which could cost charities millions.
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Public funding for justice has failed to keep up with inflation and growth, Bar Council comissioned report finds.
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Litigation funder reports pre-tax profits of £2.5m against a £3.1m loss last year.
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New core duty will require barristers to ‘act in a way that advances equality, diversity and inclusion’.
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Judge-led board will advise lord chancellor on operation and structure of existing and future schemes.
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