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Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5.00pm
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0800 368 9401
[email protected]
Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5.00pm
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August 2024
Claims manager who used old contacts to find RTA victims fined for data protection breaches.
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Barrister and Spectator columnist was criticised over his tweets following the Southport attacks.
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Assistant coroner apologised to complainant who overheard comment, JCIO says.
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Some of the most followed legal accounts say they will stop posting.
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Solicitor admitted making ‘inappropriate comments’ about a person in court on two occassions, Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal hears.
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Judicial Conduct Investigations Office said magistrate accepted he had used his personal devices to send and receive messages during hearing.
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Revived business offers solicitors chance to keep around 70% of fees billed.
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Employment judge says litigation was an ‘unfortunate necessity…to ensure clairity and security for all sides’.
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Firm caused no harm but is penalised with 2.4% of its annual turnover.
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