0800 368 9401
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Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5.00pm
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0800 368 9401
[email protected]
Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5.00pm
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July 2024
Updated research suggests people living significantly below Minimum Income Standard will have to contribute towards legal costs.
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Business celebrates its 15th anniversary by announcing new recruitment drive.
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Bar Standards Board releases its latest report on bar course enrolment, results and student progression.
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Costs judge Leonard says case was ‘exceptional’ after firm’s pages of prosecution evidence was awarded at zero by Legal Aid Agency.
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Inexperienced director used client money to prevent firm’s debt tipping over limit.
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Herbert Smith Freehills reports profits up 14.5% on revenue growth of 10.1%.
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Funders craving assurances since PACCAR ruling are left disappointed as Labour government overlooks sector in initial legislative programme.
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Case was heard over 17 hearings by nine judges, as legal limit for a resolution was disregarded.
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Measure follows Law Commission recommendations – and bill lost in pre-election wash-up.
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Investment in new London office depressed profits in prior year.
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