0800 368 9401
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Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5.00pm
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0800 368 9401
[email protected]
Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5.00pm
Start your claim


June 2024
Interpreters say app issues are leaving them without access to critical case information and affecting their income.
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Firms continues to seek bigger and brighter places to work in city centres.
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High Court dismisses ex-client’s appeal and says costs agreement was binding.
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Allegations by former Stobart chief executive of concealment of documents had no prospect of success, High Court rules.
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County court judge ponders wasted costs order but says firm’s behaviour was not improper.
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Lawyers said negative online review had deprived them of a lucrative contract.
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Compulsory implementation of fifth edition for accredited CQS members put on hold for six months.
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Tribunal says younger female staff at unnamed firm were given ‘unsettling dilemma’ about how to respond.
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Practitioner sent copy to opposing side after refusing to represent non-paying client.
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Master of the rolls says it is in the public interest for the fairness of the Judicial Appointments Commission’s procedure to be examined at a full hearing.
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